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March is National Nutrition Month

March is national nutrition month, and it is the perfect time to get back into shape for summer. In addition to working out to lose weight, you should improve your daily diet with the most nutritious foods. Here are some of the foods that you should eat along with how these foods will help you to feel better.

Food 1: Fresh Vegetables

Look for fresh vegetables at a grocery store or a farmers market. By choosing the dark leafy greens, bell peppers and asparagus at a supermarket, you can make healthy salads or cooked vegetables for lunch or dinner. Vegetables contain an assortment of vitamins and minerals that will improve your overall well-being.

Food 2: Lean Proteins

Your body needs protein so that you have healthy red blood cells and strong muscles. However, you should select lean proteins such as skinless chicken breasts or wild caught fatty fish such as salmon. If you are a vegan or a vegetarian, then you can find plant-based protein-rich foods such as nuts or beans.

Food 3: Whole Grains

Avoid buying breads and pastas that are made from refined flour. Look for whole-wheat bread or multigrain pasta at your local supermarket. These foods are higher in fiber and nutrients, helping you to feel more satiated after eating a meal so that you won’t eat larger portions of foods.

Food 4: Dairy Foods

Your body needs calcium, and dairy foods contain a lot of this nutrient. Calcium is essential for your teeth and bones, but it is also valuable in other ways. There are several low-fat types of dairy foods, including yogurt or cottage cheese. You can also drink skim milk several times a day.

Food 5: Tasty Fruits

When you crave something sweet to eat, you can have fresh, dried or canned fruits. Citrus fruits such as grapefruit or lemons contain high levels of vitamin C, and this is a nutrient that your body needs to have a strong immune system. A bowlful of fresh or dried cherries has antioxidants that keep your skin looking youthful.

Additional Healthy Eating Tips

When you are preparing meals, you should avoid using fat, sugar or sodium in your recipes. In addition, you must consider portion sizes. Today, many individuals eat too much food because restaurants feature supersize sandwiches and beverages, but you can use measuring spoons or cups to measure your portions.
